Star Jasmine Vine Plant - Confederate Jasmine - Trachelospermum Jasminoides - Highly fragrant


Star jasmine vines plant in 2.5 inch pots. Highly fragrant white blossoms.
Trachelospermum jasminoides) or Confederate Jasmine

Plant itself is anywhere from 5 to 8 inches tall.

Highly fragrant, white blossoms. Native to China and Japan, it does very well in California and the southern U.S., where it provides excellent ground cover and climbing decoration.

Once mature, it will reach a height and spread of 3 to 6 feet. Prune any upward reaching shoots to maintain an even height. In addition to ground cover, star jasmine plants climb well and can be trained to grow on trellises, doorways, and posts to make for beautiful, fragrant decorations.

In areas any cooler than Zone 8, you should plant your star jasmine in a pot that can be brought inside during the colder months, or treat it as an annual.

Once it gets going, it will bloom most in the spring, with more sporadic blooming throughout the summer. The blossoms are pure white, pinwheel shaped, and beautifully perfumed.
Star jasmine vines (Trachelospermum jasminoides) have dark green and glossy, and it bears fragrant white flowers during the spring and summer. The vines grow quickly, and work well on a trellis, arbor or as ground cover. Star jasmine requires partial to full sun and warm weather, and it grows best in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 11. Star jasmine is easy to care for and grows quickly with minimal maintenance and fertilization.

1 - Water star jasmine vines once a week. Increase watering during extremely hot or dry periods, but allow the soil to dry between waterings.

2 - Fertilize star jasmine at the beginning of the growing season with 10-10-10 fertilizer.

3 - Trim off any overgrown vines in the early spring with pruning shears to help maintain their shape and boundaries. Remove any yellow or dead leaves.

4 - Wrap star jasmine vines around a trellis, arbor or other surface to train it. The vines will grow along the surface with a little guidance.

5 - Spray any mealybug-infested vines thoroughly with insecticidal soap once a week until the pests are gone. For soft scale insects, spray the vines with horticultural oil between late winter and early summer when they're most active. Star jasmine is resistant to most diseases.

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